Sunday, September 8, 2013

Forex Help for Beginners – When Is the Best Time of Day To Trade the Foreign Exchange

Click Link for best forex robot for beginners Knowing how to trade the forex will make you money. Knowing how and when to trade will make you a lot of money. Yes, the currency markets are open 24 hours a day, but when is the best time to trade?Since the market is open 24 hours a day, it is divided into sessions to help separate the trading periods.

Below is how the forex day is broken down.Tokyo session: 7PM EST to 4AM EST London session: 3AM EST to 12 PM EST

U.S. session: 8AM EST to 5PM EST

The first thing you might notice is that some sessions overlap. This means that some cities throughout the world are open for forex trading at the same time.If you like price movement, then this is a good thing. Here’s why.The London session is the busiest session of the day. More currency trades hands and the markets generally move more pips during the London session than any other.The U.S. session is a fairly close second. The Tokyo session is a distant third.But notice how the London session and U.S. session overlap from 8AM to 12PM? That is the best time to trade the forex.During this time, you will see some amazing moves (sometimes hundreds of pips). Also, U.S. economic news is released during the early part of the session, so the market really starts jumping around.Not only are there better times during the day to trade, but there are also better days to trade.

On average, the busiest days in the currency markets are Tuesday and Wednesday. Prices move more during those days than any other.Thursday is pretty good.Mondays and Fridays can be tricky because of the beginning and end of the week, but there is money to be made there as well.So when should you trade if you really enjoy losing money?Sundays – the market is relatively slow. Many times it starts out of the gates pretty strong, but then reverses and goes back to where it came from.Holidays – you can trade any holiday you want to – even Thanksgiving and Christmas. The problem is that most knowledgeable traders have already made their money and are actually enjoying the holiday, so that just leaves the stupid people left to trade. Don’t be part of the stupid people.

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